West Asia Refugee Camps, 2023

Navigating through challenges in an unfamiliar territory, our STM volunteers defy rational fears and hardships. Anchored in the promises of our Lord, they hold captive every fearful thought, taking bold steps of faith towards the mission. Dive into their stories of love, peace, and revival as they share firsthand accounts of their experience:

I learned that I have a heart for children. My heart is broken to witness most of them don’t have dreams for themselves given their situation as refugees. Aside from that, I also learned that I can adjust fast to a given mission field, I didn’t have problems with food or the place I am in. I realized I like to try new things.

- Dyan

Experiencing this kind of mission trip brings joy and encouragement in my heart. You really wouldn’t want to miss a short-term mission trip like this. And my prayer is that, when the Lord called you to join, you just have to heed and the Lord will take care of you. Be in Servant Spirit and always ask the Lord for filling of the Holy Spirit and leading, especially when you minister to the families that they could see Jesus in you.


I learned that God has really called me not only for cities but also for the rural ministries. How to balance these two is difficult but bears much fruit.


The journey will not always as same as you are prepared for. Expect that God would make things happen beyond your imagination so that His name would be glorified.


It was a challenge that from 20 plus participants, majority backed out because of the war and only 8 of us pushed through in spite of. I was also the last one to finish raising support. I was one of those three who didn’t have a Visa but packed by faith and God miraculously brought us in an unexpected way as we receive the manifest letter on the last minute and through His favor to us, by sending people to assist us. I was also having the fear of not being usable enough to serve outside the country given my lack of experience in engaging with other races plus the fact that I knew I didn’t have enough compassion for them as well as compared to my fellow countrymen. I was actually praying to God that if I would only do more harm than good, I was okay to not push through and that He’d just send somebody else. These were major highlights because these seemingly unfortunate events brought greater glory to God than to ourselves. God also used these to deepen my faith and dependence on Him alone as He also prepared me to the actual mission trip. He already set the tone that IT’S NOT ABOUT US, BUT ALL ABOUT HIM ALONE.


There are many things I learned about the Lord during this mission trip. One of those is intentionally praying for people. During house to house visits, when the missionary and the family were talking with each other, our role was simply to pray for them that they will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I learned that God is the God who will reveal Himself even to the people whose hearts may seem closed, and reveal Himself through dreams and visions.


Hello, future STM Participants! Don’t worry about your support, don’t be afraid, just believe in God and do what He wants you to do. Trust in God, that He will help and guide you, and He will surpass your expectations.



Medical Missions in South Asia, 2023