Learn Beyond
Discover resources and practical ways to make disciples of all nations.
Whether you're new to the mission or eager to deepen your understanding of Jesus, yourself, and others, our virtual trainings aim to equip you to know and lovingly spread the truth about Jesus across borders and beyond.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. — Colossians 2:6-7
Intentional Discipleship Training
Ptr. Danny Perez - The One Thing PART 1
Learn about the ONE THING of Christianity with CCF Beyond's Director for International Church Planting, Ptr. Danny Perez.
Ptr. Danny Perez - The One Thing PART 2
Part 2 of Ptr. Danny's message on the ONE THING of Christianity.
Ptr. Mel Santos - Confide INTRO
An introduction to CONFIDE by Ptr. Mel Santos. Learn about the importance of Intentional Discipleship in the family first and shares insights on connecting with our loved ones.
Ptr. Mel Santos - Confide PART 2
Discipleship begins at home. Whether you're just a few steps away or thousands of miles away from your family, you can share the Gospel, connect with them and intentionally disciple them. CONFIDE Training aims to help you become an Intentional Discipler of your Family.
Ptr. Mel Santos - Confide PART 3
Discipleship begins at home. Whether you're just a few steps away or thousands of miles away from your family, you can share the Gospel, connect with them and intentionally disciple them. CONFIDE Training aims to help you become an Intentional Discipler of your Family.
Story of the Bible
Session 1 – Introduction: God Creates Man; Man Creates gods
The story of the Bible goes deeper than we can fathom and wider than we can dream. It is the story of God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations.
Session 2 – God Blesses Man to be a Blessing to Men (Part 1 of 2)
The story of the Bible goes deeper than we can fathom and wider than we can dream. It is the story of God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations.
Session 3 – God Blesses Man to be a Blessing to Men (Part 2 of 2)
The story of the Bible goes deeper than we can fathom and wider than we can dream. It is the story of God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations.
Session 4 – God Saves Man, Man Savors God
The story of the Bible goes deeper than we can fathom and wider than we can dream. It is the story of God revealing His glory to all nations so that He might receive glory from all nations.
What you’ll learn
Learn our game plan for online discipleship, and more importantly; apply the learnings!
Discover God’s Heart for All Nations from Genesis to Revelation
Course FAQ
Yes, you can but it is not recommended. The content was designed to be done in a discipleship group setting. It is only in this setting that you will get the most out of the study and understand how it applies to you and those you are studying with.
Yes, we do have other trainings on missions such as Introduction to Missions and Multiplying Churches and Communities (MC²). However, pray for us as we are constantly developing new missions materials to serve the church.