Building Movements in Northeast Africa

Northeast Africa is one of the most diverse regions of the world. At just a sea away from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Northeast Africa was one of the first regions outside of the Middle East to adopt Islam. Today, the majority religion in Northeast Africa is Islam, with most individuals considering themselves M**l**.

Northeast Africa is populated by over 202,000,000 souls and among the people groups that Beyond and our partners work with, they speak over 100 languages with nearly 92% of them being followers of Islam.

CCF Beyond began working in this region after a fruitful connection with a like-minded missions organization brought together CCF Beyond with local, Northeast African believers during a conference in 2016. Upon meeting these local, Christian Northeast African leaders, CCF Beyond forged a partnership with them to hold a vision conference in the region in 2017. From there, CCF Beyond trained and supported these Northeast African leaders to begin Phase 1 of our church multiplication process MC2 in 2018 among a pair of predominantly M**l** refugee camps.

Working in partnership with our local leaders, CCF Beyond has seen over 750 house fellowships and small groups planted, which are all led by local, M**l**-background believers making Christ-committed followers who make Christ-committed followers among their own people. And the movement has just begun. Our partners and leaders are continuing to multiply and saturate key target areas with the Gospel and house churches, including reaching people from places where no one has ever met a Christian or heard the Gospel.

As we look to the future, we are praying for this movement to multiply among many different countries and people groups in the region, so that tens of thousands of M**l**s hear the Gospel, become disciples of Jesus Christ, and plant churches among their own people, in one of the most difficult places in the world for the Gospel.


Building Movements in South Asia